a woman sitting at a table talking to another woman

Where do you go when you first start looking for a new job?

Unfortunately LinkedIn and Indeed are not always the best places to find available positions that fit your needs.

The Human Reach conducted a survey across the United States to figure out the most challenging aspects of the current job market. Out of 1,000 respondents, 38.4% say it’s the lack of available positions that is most challenging. 

Perhaps it’s time to practice networking as a way to climb up the corporate ladder.

“Networking is like dating. It’s a great way to put yourself out there in the hopes of securing a long-term partner, or in this case a job. LinkedIn and Indeed are good first steps when looking for your next job, but they aren’t the end all, be all,” says A.J. Mizes, CEO & Founder of The Human Reach.

Your connections and friendships are there for a reason.

It’s perfectly okay to ask for a favour and even return one throughout your career.

A recent study by LinkedIn showed that over 80% of roles hired in the last 18 months were done so via referral. This means that networking is a key factor in the hiring process. It’s important to play to your advantages and use the resources you have to get to where you need to be. Networking isn’t just handing out your business card to people or connecting with them on Linkedin, it’s having open conversations about your role and discussing potential opportunities.”

The more effort you put into networking, the bigger the reward. 

Practice makes perfect, but investing time and energy into forming corporate relationships can help you reach your goals.

“Networking benefits people on both sides, you as a potential employee and employers who want to drive profitability, so investing time and energy into this is not a waste. A lot of people think the job application process is fully out of their hands, but that’s not true. Using your connections to secure an interview or a job, is the name of the game these days.”

AJ Mizes is an ex-Facebook executive turned experienced career coach and job market expert. He has been featured in hundreds of media interviews globally, including NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, International Business Times and many more outlets. I’d be happy to coordinate an interview for you to discuss ways AJ is helping professionals transition from unsatisfying jobs to fulfilling careers through personalized career coaching, executive coaching, and leadership development.

Demo reel – Fox 5 DC – https://www.fox5dc.com/video/1504863

Are you interested in speaking with A.J. for a closer look at how networking can benefit your job search efforts? Let’s schedule an interview!

The Human Reach initiated a survey to better understand what challenges people are facing when searching for their next job. If you’d like to view more of the data and insights collected during the survey, click here.

Header Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash