The cumulative events of recent years have increased the need for mental health support, says RedArc. Uncertainty surrounding Brexit, the challenges of the pandemic, the current war, cost-of-living crisis, on top of everyday challenges have all put pressure on mental wellbeing.

This has come at a time when the NHS has reported a record high in the numbers of mental health referrals for its mental health services, with an estimated 1.4m waiting for treatment.

Support is available via insurers and employers, and RedArc believes it has never been more important for the industry to ensure companies and individuals know what’s available.

Christine Husbands, managing director for RedArc said: ‘Mental health is complex, and it’s important that specialists provide support. There are many different types of therapy and support available, and it must be personalised to ensure people get the most appropriate support for them.’

Children, too, are affected, with reports on how they can be specifically impacted by events. The NHS reports that out of the 4.3 million referrals for conditions such as anxiety and depression in 2021, over one million were for children or adolescents. It can be extremely difficult to get support for children, and this, in turn, can add to the challenges of parents, guardians and carers.

Christine Husbands continued, ‘We see children of all ages that are struggling, and it can be even harder to access support for them. It is a great relief to both the child and their parent or guardian when support is in place, and it’s crucial that support is targeted specifically for them.’

Support is often embedded within insurances and employee benefits, and it’s important that the industry and employers clearly communicate what is available to ensure it’s utilised.